Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Diabetes & S**t

Okay so I was browsing trough the internet about D you know and I came to find many things but what caught my eye in some way was/is. How come we Diabetics are "forced" or mandated to follow a damn diet or ruled WHAT TO or WHAT NOT TO eat at all. That's just stood in my opinion. Were people like anyone else who want to and are supposed to eat whatever we want. Why should I as a Diabetic deprive my self from eating something I want to eat or like to eat just because the dang Dr. and his/her minions and other people say and think we shouldn't eat that.  If wanna eat it and they tell me no HECK THAT I WILL eat it 2x and in front of their faces just because she/he said no to me. Just to piss them off and say "you see what happens when you tell me I can't or shouldn't eat that?!" Yea maybe I'm a crazy girl with Diabetes Type (DT1) that does what she wants but what I dislike the most I'd when I get told I shouldn't. Another thing to, that I get told. That I "should" eat at the same times everyday. But no I don't eat at the same times everyday because I don't feel like it and because people keep telling me the same s**t over and over again. And it's None-Diabetics ALWAYS!! What do they know about my Diabetes out just Diabetes in general. NOTHING!! Maybe the None-Diabetics should just shut it because they just should. I will keep asking what I want and eating what I WANT because I CAN!! And do it in front of the people specially Dr.'s that told me not to because yes! And to make them angry and you all know what I mean right?? Just a small rant about Diabetes and shit. 

�� Jupiter

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