Saturday, March 12, 2016

Ignorants about Diabetes

   So, today I was talking to someone about my Diabetes and trying to explain that I needed to take medications (insulin shots) everyday. In oder to live for another day or hour or what not. This person was telling me how apparently if I did this or did that or if I ate the "right" foods or did such exercise or ate that kind of food or what not, I would get off the insulin/medications, and how my pancreas did work. When it clearly does not! This person was saying how his Dr. said to him if he lost so many pounds he would not take any medication or metforming or whatever he would take for his so called Diabetes. As well as he was not taking her medications because he lost about 30lbs or something like that, she was not taking his medication because of that, and how she only took it when he was eating certain carbs and whatnot. This pissed me off so bad, when I was to tell this person that I just can't just stop like that taking insulin or taking such medication because according to this person my pancreas did work. How I needed to lose so many ponds or some weight because according to this person I had Diabetes because my weight.
   I was trying so hard to not get bothered about this but it got to me how some people are so ignorant about Diabetes or any other sickness like that. This went on me trying to explain to this person about my Diabetes, and how my pancreas does not work, and how my immune system attacked my pancreas, and if I stopped taking my medications I would end up in the hospital for the highs that I would get and how I would get may complications for not taking the medication or what not. I kept repeating the same thing in so many different ways for this person to understand this to the point I just pissed this person of that it decided to just walk away because this person needed to take a "piss" just because this person could not handle all the crap I was tell them about if I stopped taking medications or if I did this or that I would not live another day. Or just plainly die, if I just stopped all at once.

   I also said to this person how he would love it if I said to her how to handle his desease or what ever she had going on with his health. I said to put him self in that position on everybody telling her every day at all hours of the day how he is supposed to handle it or what he is supposed to do or not to do. How is it that some people are just to damn stupid and ignorant about such things like that. That they only want people to listen to them but they do not want to listen to no one else. I just dislike how people try to tell me how to deal with my Diabetes, and what I am supposed to do or not do. and how if I tried such things I would be "cured" or not be able to take insulin anymore. Because hey if that were the thing. I would had been "cured" ages ago, doing all my best, and eating all the "right" foods and doing so much exercise. Just to stay balanced or for at least one of my blood sugars to be on the right track for at least five minutes to an hour. Hows it possible that a none Diabetic person thinks they know more about Diabetes than the Diabetic person it self. This is my theory, if someone wants to know about Diabetes or at least about my Diabetes, as me and I will tell you. Just ask a Diabetic person and I am sure they will be more than happy to tell you about Diabetes, and how that person deals with it on a daily basis. Instead of giving advice without being asked just fucking ask. Do not assume and do not give advice or whatever, unless you are being asked for one.

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